Alex Gilmore
Contemporary Art Practice, Leeds Metropolitan University
'Untitled' - Digital Print
I will be creating several prints of members from Manchester bands. They will be photo manipulated with parts of the photo having a comic book effect. This is to symbolize that underneath all the bravado they are still normal people with flaws. I will do this by using a photo of the band member and creating a comic book version of the photography. I will then edit the comic version removing parts of the image so the original photo can be seen alongside the comic book version. I will also be creating prints of the bands themselves using background images that are associated with the band Eg a Jackson Pollock inspired piece for the Stone Roses. I will attempt to have the background printed and projecting images of the bands onto the print.
I am currently creating pieces relating to duality and different personalities that go across different mediums such as video, photo manipulation and photography. I’m attempting to give my own interpretation on why people do various things in life sometimes to conform so they fit in or go against the grain, whether that is deliberately just to be provocative or simply because they want to. Relating to this I’m also looking into the similarities between things that on first inspection may not necessarily have connections.

- Examples of previous work.